WHITE PINES FOREST, ILLINOIS 18 BARDELL PHOTO TONE POST CARD RPPC 1920s. Here is a gorgeous group of 18 real photo postcard, rppc, included as a souvenir that could be mailed to the recipient, with address and notation sections on the back flap. Produced from 18 original photographs, these 18 photo tone postcards, produced by the hedrick-blessing studio, of chicago, illinois, are beautiful vintage photographs depicting 1920s era images including automobiles, people, scenery, and buildings and structures. This gorgeous group of 18 real photo postcard, rppc, from the 1920s, of the White pines forest in illinois, each measure about 4 and 1/2 in by 3 in, and have a description of each of the photos, along with a stamp and message and address area on the back of each card. The beautiful scenes of The White pines forest in illinois, including the lodge, cabins, gorgeous scenery, and walking trails, in the iconic Forest near chicago, illinois, we'll make a terrific addition to your vintage real photo postcard or historical photograph of the Chicago Illinois rural surrounding area collection, real photo postcard of early iconic Lodge and tourism related chicago, Illinois photo history collection, or White pines Forest historical document or photograph history memorabilia collection.